Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Valley of the Wolves: Iraq

I have watched the trailer for this movie, and a few scenes that I can come across for class this week. It looks bloody and vile...but most action/adventure films like this make my skin crawl. I think without a doubt the Americans in this movie don't look hot. Producers have even said that 60-70% of the movie was based on actual events. The American press has labeled it as anti-American, anti-Christian, and even anti-Jew.

I don't know if this film was released in the States? If it was, it definitely wasn't a wide release.

Funny enough, my favorite news network, Fox News...(I think I threw up a little) made sure they made their viewers aware of this atrocity. Click on the following link:

I love that in the opening of the dialogue on the subject was the confession that no one speaking about the movie had even seen it. But, the anti-Muslim banter that occurs afterward was shocking. Are we shocked that someone else in the world may be pissed with the US and hence portray Americans in such a light? The Fox commentators even had a discussion of Free Speech not actually meaning Free... and a shout out that all Muslims hate the fact we have Freedom of Speech in our country. Are you kidding me? No really.....

I must be really un-American.


  1. I can't watch all of this... This is just awful. I can't believe Fox is considered News.. It's just so outwardly bias. The "news"caster isn't even trying to hide it.
    But I love how the guy in the orange short/brown suit responded. "We're talking out of our ears.... None of us have seen it."
    Funny too, that Fox was never disturbed by those other films described in "Reel Bad Arabs." Hmmm....

  2. Wow. I love how Americans don't appreciate being portrayed as war criminals, and yet our history of film and literature negatively stereotypes just about every non-white race and culture.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I couldn't watch the whole video, either. But if they'll comment on a movie they haven't seen, I'll comment on a clip I watched part of.

    1). Joe Scarborough: "Critics are calling it one of the worst anti-American propaganda films ever." So, was it being presented as propaganda or as a film depicting a fictionalized account of some of what happens in Iraq? When we make films in the U.S. with Middle Easterners playing terrorists, is that anti-anyone-too-from-too-far-East?

    2). Joe, about Gary Busey: "He's playing, actually, a jewish doctor that harvests the organs of Arabs. Can you think of a more anti-Semitic setup?" He's portraying a jew, not all jews. What does this say about doctors? That they're all evil? Why isn't there a story every time a black man in a U.S. movie is a burglar? Doesn't that mean that all black people are criminals? Or every time a woman plays a victim of domestic violence? Doesn't that mean that all women are helpless victims? What about an Iraqi who plays a criminal or terrorist in U.S. movies? Isn't that racist?

    3). Joe: ". . . the way they think." What now? Who's racist?

    4). William Donohue: ". . . if you asked them to sodomize their own mother in a movie they would do so." I don't even know what to write.

    What a great clip, Marie!

  5. I couldn't make it through the entire clip either. I had to stop watching after Scarborough said something like, if that's everyday talk for them then no wonder they're running planes into buildings. Fox News Channel exudes hate and intolerance. It frightens me that so many, including my own father, turn to that network as their premier source of news and world affairs.

  6. Your video clip is hilarious. I never thought grown men would act like middle-school girls. I felt bad for Grady but he held his own and deserves some congratulation for that. Grady brought up some good point though - I didn't know Gary Busey was a Jew in the movie. I didn't figure the film to be anti-Semitic, but it was definitely anti-American. Why is it Hollywood hating America though? I didn't get why the "news" people had that on the bottom. If Hollywood actors and producers hated America, would they have their center in the United States. Wouldn't they move? Also, according to Bill Donohue, I am uncivilized for enjoying the film. Yes, after reflecting on it, I enjoyed the movie. I liked that it threw in my face the horrors that the Iraqi see everyday. How am I to understand them if I do not know what they see?

  7. I hate Fox News as much as the next guy, but isn't that clip from MSNBC? I'm not sure if that makes it worse or not.

    The funny thing is, I remember watching this actual news clip when it aired live (it must have been a few years ago, I stopped watching cable news a long time ago), and wanted to vomit in my mouth most of the time.
