Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God-Israel

The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God & Other Stories by Etgar Keret

This book of short stories is a fast and fascinating read. This book has everything from a drawf dressed as a little girl who is smuggling heroine to tales from post-suicide characters in a sort of purgatory sub-world. Sometimes the imagery is sexually graphic. Still, it is laugh out-loud funny and thought provoking. Perception and expectation are often called into question. It is interesting to see the portrayal of Arabs by a Jewish narrator in this post-suicide purgatory where the arguments of this life just don't seem to apply any longer in the bigger scheme of things. I thought it was great to hear from an author with a different voice than what I am used to. Although high schoolers are more than capable to read this, I can't see it passing the parent test. College kids, hell yeah.


  1. I'm glad to see you liked it. I agree that for high school, it would probably need some censoring, but there are pieces of the Israeli culture to be picked out from it that high schoolers on up could benefit from reading.

  2. i am very excited to start reading this book! i have heard great things about it.
