Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time of Favor

Should there be a devote religious brigade in a military setting?

Could you imagine the US Army having a special Evangelical unit that was inspired by some religious leader? I think this movie examined that a little. A radical Rabbi had sort of backed this religious Army unit. I believe the legitimate purpose was to protect their settlement, but because the Rabbi continuously talked about reclaiming the Temple sort of opened the door for one of his pupils to want to put action behind it. If you noticed, the regular Army guys never strayed from protocol. It was the "superior" student that was physically weaker, romantically stood up, and looking for a way to feel better that turned things on their head.

Was it all his fault though? Initially, the Army took the Rabbi into custody...but he was freed fairly quickly...although he was certainly the catalyst for the events. The poor commander got beaten mercilessly, and you don't know if he ever truly recovers his good reputation, even though he had nothing to do with it and in the end prevented the student from blowing up the Temple Mount.

This movie also talked a little about women as property. The Rabbi tried to marry off his daughter to his lead pupil. He didn't understand why she was against it, and refused to let her see the man she did want to see.

This was an interesting look at Israel. I think the account was fictitious, but there were a lot of customs and thought patterns that were able to be viewed and contemplated.

1 comment:

  1. I think the comparison to the American military makes a telling point.
